Search engine optimization is fast becoming the best, most cost-effective way to get your Web site seen on the Internet.
Each day, popular search engines process over 500 million search requests, making them the number one destination on the Internet. Many searchers are people looking for information about companies, products, and services – in other words, your potential customers!
If your Web site isn’t showing up in search engines, you are losing valuable visitors, leads, and sales that could take your business to a whole new level. Also, the Internet is a highly competitive place with thousands of companies and billions of pages vying for the attention of your customers. Your Web site has the potential to be a great marketing tool, producing real returns on investment. But, where do you begin?
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Search Engine Optimization Services
Search engine optimization or SEO is a group of techniques that can help your website get noticed, grab traffic, and start producing results. From our Harrisburg, PA headquarters, Keystroke Marketing offers a wide array of professional SEO services specifically designed to fit within your budget. Whether you do business in Pennsylvania or globally. Our SEO experts will work directly with you to optimize your new or existing site in compliance with top search engines.
Keystroke’s SEO service begins with an in-depth analysis of your Web site, paying close attention to your site content, product and service offerings, and competitors. Our team of SEO specialists research the best keywords and phrases to highlight on your site, choosing only the ones that people are searching for on the Internet. Next, we apply advanced search engine optimization and Web design techniques to your Web site in order to blend the strongest keywords with your content. Finally, Keystroke’s SEO team deploys cutting-edge Internet marketing strategies to build links to your Web site and can even implement quarterly reporting to track your site’s long-term performance. In total, Keystroke Marketing provides a comprehensive, search engine optimization solution rivaling that of other SEO companies.
Our Popular Search Engine Optimization Services Include:
- Site evaluation and competitor analysis
- Keyword research, identification, and implementation
- Copywriting and content development with an SEO focus
- Meta information updating with descriptive and accurate tags
- Modification of new and existing pages to include keywords and phrases
- Site map creation with links that point to every important page on your site
- Search engine rank and inbound link building
- Site reporting, statistics tracking, and long-term SEO management
Why Is Search Engine Ranking So Critical?
SEO experts have determined that few Internet users look beyond the top 30 ranked results in a search engine. In other words, if your Web site is not displayed on the first, second, or third page, it’s invisible to most searchers. On the flipside, if you turn to an SEO service and have your site optimized, you have a shot at being the number one result on the first page. A high page ranking can lead to a significant increase in visits by potential customers, unlocking your site’s marketing potential and growing your business.
How Does Our SEO Service Work?
Keystroke’s search engine optimization service works by blending important keywords and phrases into your site’s headers, titles, meta information, content, and links. For example, Keystroke Marketing offers SEO services globally and to several cities in Pennsylvania including
York, and
Lancaster. In this case, SEO service, Harrisburg PA, York PA, and Lancaster PA are all keywords that are worth incorporating into a Web site. By excluding places like Philadelphia PA, Baltimore MD, and Washington DC, our company can focus its site on a specific geographic region. Then, when a person visits a search engine and enters the phrase “SEO service in Harrisburg PA” the Keystroke site will rank well and receive and increased number of visitors.
Keystroke Marketing SEO Solutions
These same techniques can be applied on your company’s Web site.
Contact us for a free estimate and consultation on our digital marketing services. Using our search engine optimization service, you will start producing better leads, higher sales, and dramatic returns on your investment!
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Search Engine Optimization FAQs
What is SEO?
SEO, which stands for “search engine optimization,” is the process of improving your website (by search engines’ standards) in hopes that your site will rank higher in the search engine results pages (SERPs). Improving your search engine ranking can help you bring in more organic traffic.
What Affects Your SEO Ranking?
Many factors affect your SEO ranking, and their level of importance is always changing with Google’s algorithm updates. Some of the most important factors include:
- Mobile-friendliness
- Domain age & Domain Authority
- Content optimized for search engines and users
- User Experience
- Links
- Optimized Content
For a complete list of Google’s 200+ ranking factors, check out this
Ranking Factors guide by Backlinko.
What is Keyword Research?
Keyword research is the process of finding relevant, popular search terms on search engines and strategically including them in your website’s content. Keyword insertion can help your site appear higher in the SERPs.
What Are Backlinks And Why Are They Important?
Backlinks are links that one site gets from another. For example, if another website is linking to yours, you have a backlink from them. Backlinks are important in determining your ranking because they act as a reference from one site to another.
What Makes A Successful SEO Campaign?
SEO is a long-term strategy that can take months to even a year to see actual results. While success can be determined by the improvement of a site’s search engine ranking, other factors can affect success. Many campaigns set different campaign goals and key performance indicators (KPIs) to track their progress.